the artist as shaman
“shamanism has a clear message — we should respect the sanctity of Nature... reminding us that our destinies on this earth are all intertwined, for we are all one in Spirit. shamanism offers a powerful and optimistic message and it is in our own mutual interests to heed its call.” — Nevill Drury/Sydney, 1988
we have assembled an extraordinary cast of individuals— from diverse disciplines and institutions:
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts — Tufts University — Boston University — Museum of Fine Arts, Boston — Harvard University — Harvard Divinity School — Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum — Mount Holyoke College — Pacific Zen Institute
april 28portals open @ 5
the castjune augustnancy bauerkrystle browntatia cynaerita freedleigh freudenheimsuje garciapeter hainessawool kimgreg lookersemonica lynn manoskidarin murphycal riceamy rosscarl ruckdavid robinsonchris sagemangianna stewartjohn tarrantrhea vedrojill whitney armstronggraham yeager
*Monica Lynn Manoski will be a giving a performance by the fire — Night Vision, a dream recitation, 2018 — Performance Schedule: Moonrise 6:16, Sunset 7:39 AND Last Light 8:10
make your dinner reservation at the Feather and Wedge - right around the corner from iartcolony!
Feather and Wedge | Restaurant and Bar5 MAIN STREET, ROCKPORT978.999.5917